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Your support needed before 10/23!

Your message has a great community-focused tone, which is excellent for building engagement. Let’s tighten it up a bit to make it more direct and compelling while preserving your enthusiasm. Here’s a revised version:

Hey Carson City and beyond!

We’re eagerly awaiting the results of the John D. Winters Centennial Park Master Plan Survey, and while we do, we have setup an important meeting with Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space as well as Visit Carson City for October 23rd. To help us make an even bigger impact, we need your help!

Letters of support from local businesses and community members will be a game-changer for this meeting. If you can, please send your letter to me via DM or email ( by October 20th so I can organize them. Your voice can make a real difference!

To make it easy, I’ve created a Google Doc template for you to personalize. Just copy, paste, and add your unique touch to make your support count even more. This bike park is a true community project, and it’s going to take all of us—riders, families, and fans of awesome local projects that elevate our quality of life—to bring it to life. Let’s show everyone that teamwork really does make the dream work!

I’m deeply grateful to everyone who’s already helped by spreading the word, filling out the survey, sharing it, or just stopping by to chat about the future Carson City Bike Park. Your energy and enthusiasm are what keep this momentum going!

P.S. To add a little fun, I’ll be giving away a Ride Carson City SnapBack Trucker hat to the person who writes the most compelling and creative Letter of Support!

Check out the template here: Template Link to Google Doc

Thank you all for being part of this journey!

This version keeps your friendly and enthusiastic tone while streamlining the call to action to make it even more engaging and impactful.

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